Hair transplant trend in Lahore
Hair transplant trend in Lahore
In the global village, the dressing and personality has taken a lot of space. People of these days are now more concerned about their looks and dressing. Fashion styles, brands and media campaigns have fueled up this phenomenon. It is human nature to be presentable so that others could be impressed.
Climate changes affect the human beings in many ways and health is the biggest affected of our negligence in this regards. In Pakistan, climate changes are sometimes blamed for certain health issues like many viruses and diseases. We have also witnessed the rising trend of early hair loss. Genetics are no doubt responsible for this but when young men are seen with fewer hairs and in such alarming number, so it’s a complex situation.
Medical health gives the solution in the form of hair loss treatment in Lahore and different techniques are available through world. In Pakistan, the trend of hair transplant was rare before 2000 but started gaining popularity after 2001. Only some clinics were present till 2005 and patients were not aware regarding treatment, processes and techniques. In earlier years, the clinics were mostly established in Islamabad, Karachi and Lahore. But now the cities like Multan, Faisalabad and Peshawar also enjoying the treatment opportunities through clinics inaugurations by leading doctors and hair clubs.
The adoption of treatment by famous politicians and celebrities helped in popularizing this surgery and clinics introduced cheaper package thereafter. This can be understood with a fact that a leading hair transplant surgeon in country’s capital Islamabad conducted 8000 hair transplant surgeries since 2006 but from 2001-2005, he had treated just 1000 patients. According to an estimate, 120 hair transplant clinics throughout Pakistan are busy in treating patients. One thing is interesting to know that in recent times, the patients from middle class families have also taken the step to go for this treatment. The basic reason is the increased awareness and introduction of economical packages due to the competition. Myths of side effects, pain and special care of planted hairs have also lost their credibility after the awareness.
We have some of the best Fue hair transplant results in Pakistan and Islamabad has become the capital of hair transplant. The adoption of hair transplant by the leading politicians and film celebrities helped greatly to popularize this treatment. In all billboards and ads, the pictures of celebrities are used to attract the patience. This health industry has also been proven an asset when it comes to the question of revenue. In Peshawar, thousands of hair loss patients come for Afghanistan for treatment and thousands of operations are being done by surgeons. The cost generally lies between 500-100 $ depending on the areas to be covered and techniques to be used. Normally, it takes only 600 $ to change your look and make yourself presentable to the world. With the passage of time, Pakistan would definitely witness more clinics, patients and this industry will have to increase its capacity to fulfill the demand of patients. It is going to be a major health business in coming years.
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