What is the hair transplant - FUE technique?
Fue hair transplant consists of extracting in an individual way the follicles of the donor area without the need of stitches and without leaving visible scars, being these practically imperceptible. These follicular units of 1, 2, 3 or 4 hairs are extracted accompanied by perifollicular structures (capillary vessels, sebaceous gland, erector pili muscle, etc.). The hair transplant with FUE technique (Follicular Extraction Unit) is the most advanced hair transplant to treat baldness and alopecia in both men and women.
In the FUE technique, it is a surgical variant of the follicular micro-transplant technique and it is considered to be the most advanced technique of hair transplantation that exists. It consists of extracting in an individual way the follicles of the donor area without the need of stitches and without leaving linear scars. These follicular units of 1, 2, 3 or 4 hairs are extracted accompanied by perifollicular structures. The Fue hair transplant in Lahore (Follicular Unit Extraction or "individual extraction of follicles") is considered the most advanced technique of hair transplantation that exists.
What is the FUE technique?
We can define the hair transplant with Fue hair transplant clinic Lahore as the capillary micrograft technique for a systematic redistribution of the hair follicles consisting of the introduction of small scalp grafts with the so-called " follicular units " (groups of 1, 2, 3 or 4 hair follicles as they are determined in a natural way). We can summarize it in follicle by follicle.
These grafts are obtained with local anesthesia of the posterior and/or lateral area of the scalp (what we call donor zones) and, after thoroughly preparing them under the microscope, they are carefully introduced by microincisions in the bald or alopecia areas, of sparse hair, that would evolve towards baldness (that is, the receptor areas).
Can the hair fall again?
When the grafts of the posterior and lateral areas of the head are obtained, genetically programmed to grow all the life to have hormonal receptors that are not affected by the enzymatic hyperactivity, it is achieved that once grafted in other areas they do not fall and continue to grow normally. We perform the best Fue hair transplant.
Important: At the level of the donor area, practically total shaving of the head is necessary since it is the ideal measure for the extraction of the follicular units. In those candidate patients who do not want to shave but want to get the FUE technique, shaving will be camouflaged with "hair curtains".
For more details click http://hairtransplantt.com/