Modern Techniques for baldness treatment: Follicular Unit Transplant
Surgical hair restoration is probably one of the most effective solutions for hair loss. There are numerous hair replacement procedures in men and women, including hair transplants and permanent hair replacement. The method of hair restoration that is used for each patient depends on the degree of hair loss and the individual circumstances of each of them. Medical hair restoration provides a permanent and predictable solution for hair loss. Below you can find information about numerous surgical hair replacement techniques and solutions for hair loss. If you are looking for hair loss treatment, then you must opt for the hair transplants.
Hair transplants:
The hair transplants involve removing small sections of scalp hair on the sides or back of the head. These sections are then replanted in the bald areas of the patient's scalp. Hair transplantation is an effective technique for permanent hair replacement and one of the most reliable solutions against hair loss. Each of our hair is born and grows inside a root called hair follicle. If we look at the surface of the scalp under the microscope, we can see that the hair naturally reunites it into small groups called "Follicular Units". These groups are composed of one, two and three and in rare cases, by four hair follicles.
In this illustration, we can see three groups of hair belonging to different follicular units. Each hair has its follicle and each follicle its own follicular unit. Follicular unit transplantation is a technique that involves removing the units from one area (donor) and placing them in another (receiving area). While saying it is simple, doing so requires real skill and patience on the part of the surgeon.
Advantages of hair loss treatment:
It will give you a more youthful appearance: As we know, people usually associate excessive hair loss or baldness with the signs of aging. By submitting to this procedure you can look younger, which will positively influence the way others perceive you, whether in your social or work circle.
Increase your self-esteem: Patients who have undergone this baldness treatment procedure to have more hair and eliminate baldness in their lives, have experienced improvement in the increase of their self-esteem and self-assessment. Sometimes having areas with noticeable baldness can make you feel different, it can make you feel embarrassed because you may feel that everyone looks at you differently, this can be remedied since having hair again you can go out without worrying about seeing different.
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